
YA crazy bitcoin project

This project is maintained by Rusty Russell

Multiple Prevs

28 Aug 2014

When I looked at the goals for Alpha02, I realized I’d be breaking the protocol, so I decided I wanted to do all the breakage at once. The first change is to include more than one “prev” reference in each block.

Blocks currently look like this:

| Stuff | PrevHash |...

This is very much modelled on the bitcoin protocol; each block builds on the previous one. But it’s been suggested for bitcoin SPV clients (Simplified Payment Verification, ie. clients without full knowledge) that you can skip some blocks but still show that you’ve done all the work.

The idea is simple: each block’s hash has to be below the target value. But since blocks are found by trial and error, some blocks will be way under the target. The statistics are simple: half the blocks will be twice as “hard” as they need to be, one quarter four times as hard, etc.

So, if we let a block which is four times as hard point back 4 blocks (not just 1), we can drop the three intermediate blocks, for some space savings. Of course, we don’t know how “hard” a block is until we’ve found it, so every block needs to include every back pointer up to some limit.

| Stuff | PrevHash1 | PrevHash2 | PrevHash4 | Prevhash8 |...

It’s just as much work to fake such a “skippy” chain as it is to fake the entire chain with single back pointers, so no security is lost.

This is great for pettycoin: we have a horizon past which we don’t care about the block contents, just that they lead to the current blocks we do care about. This reduces the amount of storage we need in future, though not by as much as we’d hope (roughly a factor of 10 over keeping every header).

There are some extra tricks we can do; the simplest is to use a merkle tree to hash the prevhash fields together so when we know which one we need we can throw away the others (and keep log2(numPrevHash)). We can also choose which blocks we keep, aiming to reach the shortest path, rather than simply stepping backwards greedily. In fact, we could even step forwards if it allows us to then skip backwards further. Dijkstra’s algorithm would be of use here, though I haven’t measured how much difference it makes in practice.

The naive back skip list has a fascinating property, in that it quickly converges on the same blocks. If there’s a limit to how far you can skip back, this implies that everyone will agree on the skiplist for really old blocks.

This may also turn out to be a boon: I always planned that the protocol would fold back rewards from blocks in the far future (eg. 3-5 years) to those in the past. But this would mean that we can’t discard blocks below the horizon for at least that long. Yet it’s just as fair if we call agree on which blocks remain in the skippy chain, and pile the rewards on to those, rather than every block.
